Mark 4
Parable of the Sower Mark 4 1-20
This parable is about how people receive the word of god. It talks about the different ways people reject it and how one accepts it. You know, the ones on the path, the ones, in shallow soil, the ones in the thorns, and the ones that grow great crops. He then tells his close followers what he meant by the whole thing. There is something that appears to be missing and I seem to fall into this category. What about the one who hears the word receives it, produces crops, and then, I guess to go along with the parable, withered and died? Or does nearly two decades of having this as an identity lump me in with the ones that shot up quickly but then died due to lack of soil?
The Parables of the Lamp, Growing Seed, and the Mustard Seed Mark 4 21-34
Jesus goes on to talk in more parables about faith and how it is used and what it should be like. The interesting line that stands out to me is at the end. It says he spoke in parables to all the crowds be only told what they meant to his disciples. He says it’s because of a prophecy in Isaiah. Doesn’t this become a self fulfilling prophecy. If you’ve already read this and wanted to make sure you fulfilled it, knowing it would be a good start.
Jesus Calms the Storm Mark 4 35-41
So they are on the boat at night and a storm kicks up. They wake him up and he says “Quiet! Be Still!” is it possible he was yelling at the people on the boat and the storm happened to calm down at the same moment. Or maybe the storm was a bit less intense than they thought.